GRP Housings / Steel Kiosks

Glasdon produce a range of cost-effective, reliable, plastic-coated steel and GRP (glass reinforced polyester) modular housings which allow for variation and relocation if needed. Tough and durable, our GRP and Steel Outdoor Housings have superior insulation levels and the flexibility to meet your specific requirements. Ideal for generator enclosures, electricity substations, mobile and broadband networks and power supply rooms.
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With over 40 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of GRP buildings and housing, we have delivered quality GRP solutions for a versatile range of applications such as generator enclosures, electricity substations, rail track equipment and power supply rooms.

The Garrison™ GRP housing has gained world-wide reputation for reliability and has been used for demanding applications in some of the most remote and hostile environments in the world. This modular housing system offers superior insulation levels with the flexibility to meet your specific requirements. Delivered fully assembled or in flat panel-form, which is ideal in overcoming site restrictions, the Garrison buildings can also be re-located where required in the future.

With a wide range of optional features including lighting, heating, ventilation, glazing and explosion relief roofs, Glasdon GRP housing offers the flexibility for any application.

When specifying your GRP housing, our in-house experts will prepare a detailed quotation package based on your requirements that includes a precise CAD drawing to help you visualise the finished product, also giving you the opportunity to make any amendments.

If you require an alternative to GRP, Glasdon also supply steel buildings and housings that also provide superior insulation levels for the secure storage of sensitive equipment.

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