
3 Store Initiatives Retailers are Making Space For

As ethically-motivated shopping increases and the spotlight on how retailers contribute towards 'closing the loop' beams brighter, the implementation of recycle, reuse and repair schemes is now an effective value proposition that many are making space for.

We explore some of the store initiatives that are helping to nudge shopper behaviours and win customer hearts and minds, right now.

1. The Localised Take-back Initiative

Ireland has two organisations that specialise in making battery recycling more accessible for communities and businesses. WEE and ERP Ireland work in close proximity with each other to tackle battery recycling. WEE state that, ‘All retailers that sell portable batteries (AA, AAA, Cell C, Cell D, etc.) are required to take back waste batteries from members of the public free of charge.’

Why not take this opportunity to help and engage shoppers in this positive way and possibly sell more as a consequence?

More and more stores across Ireland are embracing the take-back initiative. In doing so they will be reducing the amount of batteries that go into landfill, conserve our natural resources and enable raw materials found in waste appliances to be re-used.*

The types of batteries you can accept is shown in the image below.

Add value to their shopper mission without taking valuable retail space away.

Create mini campaigns, engage your staff and give them something new to talk to customers about.

Promotion of your take-back scheme can help to educate your shoppers about why it’s important to keep their batteries out of landfill and lets them know how your store is helping them to do this.

Even better, could a local charity or community sports club benefit from all of your efforts, while helping to boost awareness of your collection scheme and your store?

Create a Visible, Space Saving Collection Point

Tall, slim collection containers such as the C-Thru™ Battery Bins are ideal where space is tight. 

Add on a Campaign Message or your Brand to emphasise how your store’s initiative is benefitting the community.

Retail Take-back Initiatives in Action

Ikea Cardiff has recently launched a new Textile Take-Back Initiative which directly benefits the local charities.

Shoppers can take back unwanted textiles purchased from any Ikea store to be reused, repaired or recycled, including clothing and soft furnishings.

2. Food for Thought Initiatives

According to FoodCloud, ‘one million tonnes of food is thrown out by Irish consumers and businesses every year.’**

FoodCloud is a rapidly growing business that works in partnership with 1,200 stores across the UK and Ireland. Working with top brands like Tesco and Waitrose to ensure they donate their surplus food. With the aim to waste less and contribute to charities such as breakfast clubs, homeless hostels and family support services

‘One in Eight people in Ireland experience food poverty’

On the 11th July 2017 FoodCloud reached a new milestone in surplus food redistribution, with a count of 20 million meals to charities and community groups across the UK and Ireland.

3. On-the-go Initiatives

You are already providing litter bins to encourage shoppers to keep the community litter free, but could there be space for just one extra container? To help improve the rates of on-the-go recycling outside your store and capture the recyclable waste that’s plaguing our planet?

Plastic bottles.

With the help of Repak, Ireland is taking a proactive stance to help schools and businesses recycle more efficiently. Through helpful resources such as news, FAQs, animation videos and lesson plans. Repak also provides us with key facts that show how beneficial recycling is and what we can gain from it.

For instance, ‘recycling plastic saves 2/3 of energy required to produce plastic from raw materials.’***

By increasing the visibility and accessibility of on-the-go recycling together we should be able to make a positive impact in our communities and help shoppers dispose of their waste responsibly.

Space saving outdoor recycling solutions such as the Streamline Jubilee™ Plastic Bottle container or the Mixed Recycling model, are specifically designed for pavements and areas outside the store where space is at a premium.

Alternatively, duo recycling solutions such as the Nexus® 200, help to collect additional on-the-go recyclables such as plastic bottles and aluminium cans.

So when will you be making space to reap the rewards of your next ethical shopper initiative?

If you would like to set up a new store recycling scheme, talk to us today.
We can help you with expert advice around waste and recycling management, a wide range of sustainable solutions and we also offer free waste audits to help you assess your needs.

Call the Commercial Team on 1800 656 606 or talk to us on Live Chat today.


13 June 2017
The Green Web Foundation
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