Our durable, rigid Edgeliner is manufactured from a tough Durapol™ material. These low maintenance verge markers prevent people from parking on and damaging grass verges.

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For more information or to place an order, please phone our sales line on 1800 656 606 or e-mail: enquiries@glasdon.ie

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Durable mini bollards to protect grass verges from vehicle damage.
Design Features
  • Recessed area for retroreflective or decorative banding.
  • Co-ordinates with Neopolitan Bollards.
  • Below-ground extended base fixing.
Bollard: Black, Granite, White.
Bollard: Durapol™ Material.
All retroreflective materials supplied by Glasdon are as recommended in table NA1 of the National Annex of BS EN 12899-1:2007 Fixed Vertical Road Signs.
Height above ground: 510mm.
Diameter: 140mm.
Depth below ground: 280mm.
Weight: 1.3kg.

As part of the Glasdon commitment to exceptional customer service, as well as our responsibilities as an ISO9001 certified company, we invite customers to complete a Customer Satisfaction review.

We ask customers to rate our performance on a scale of 1-5: how we handled their initial enquiry, delivery performance, product quality, after sales service and overall satisfaction with the process.

Clontarf Lawn Tennis Club

22 May 2024

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