Seating Accessories and Spares

We supply a selection of spare or replacement bench parts and accessories for our indoor and outdoor seating range. From cleaning wipes to ground fixing tools, these seating accessories and replacement parts are designed to coordinate with your chosen Glasdon seat.

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Glasdon seats and benches are constructed from high-quality materials to offer vandal and weather resistance and provide a long service life for your chosen seating solution. To help maintain the cleanliness and appearance of your selected public bench, we offer specially formulated Glasdon Grafitix graffiti wipes, effective at removing graffiti and spray paint to easily prevent defacing of the seat slats or frame. These wipes are suitable for cleaning the seating materials used for our contemporary, heritage, memorial, recycled material and children’s seating.

We also provide replacement bench slats for the Lowther™ Seat, a cost-effective traditionally styled heritage bench, ideal for parks, seafronts and recreational or historic sites. Choose from Enviropol™ in either black or brown, Timberpol™ in wood effect or Vandalex™ in Black, Silver, Dark Wood or Light Wood. Vandalex slats provide excellent fire resistance when compared to standard wooden benches.

Looking to enhance the security of your park bench? Select our ground fixing tool to help securely fix your seating solution to its environment.

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